
Invy Europe


INVY stands for “International Voluntary Year”. When going abroad to another European country from the Czech Republic, you will become a volunteer in the social, diaconal or educational field, who is co-funded by the programme of the European Commission - European Solidarity Corps.

Our as well as our partner’s mission is to ensure space for your personal growth and learning. In your hosting country you will have the support of local supervisors, mentor and coordinators who will help you with these processes.

Long-term voluntary service (up to 12 months) in one of our partner organisations within Europe co-funded by the European Solidarity Corps programme with age limit 18-30 years.

How about practicalities?

  • You will work 5 days a week, 6 hours a day
  • You will have 2 days off each week and 2 additional days of holiday each month
  • Receiving pocket money and food allowance is a matter of course
  • You will live either individually or in a community
  • Travel costs will be reimbursed to you (tickets to/from host country, tickets to seminars, work etc)
  • You cannot leave a country after one year and not speak the language (at least a little bit), that’s why you will have a paid language course for 90 minutes a week

Slezská diakonie is a member of EDYN (https://edyn.org/), which is a network of ecumenical Christian – voluntary service programmes that send and receive volunteers worldwide. The programmes provide opportunities for long term (and occasionally short-term) voluntary service in social, environmental and educational institutions and church congregations. Our partners who are members of this network are the partners with whom we have many years of good experience exchanging volunteers. But we also have great partners outside of this network and we will always make sure we are sending you to an organisation we trust

You can always find the opportunities of volunteering on our partner’s websites (below), if you want to specify your application. However, take into account that the final decision has to be made and confirmed by all the participants of your potential journey - you, the sending organisation and the hosting organisation.

Do you want to join our international volunteering team?

Apply Now

If you still have a question in your mind, we help you to find answers during the interview or contact us directly.

Selection process

Pre-selection process:


You fill the application form and provide us with all the required documents.


The coordinating organisation contacts you with next steps - either invites you to an interview or rejects your application.


You go through a short selecting interview with the coordinating organisation.


Sending organisation sends the outcomes from the interview and your application to the possible hosting organisation.

Selection process:

* the process is specific to each hosting organisation, this is general example


The hosting organisation contacts you with next steps - either invites you to an interview or rejects your application.


Hosting organisation will let you know about accepting/rejecting you.


You go through an interview with the hosting organisation.

After we, the sending organisation, receive
the hosting organisation’s decision, we will
initiate next steps.

You have been accepted:


Sending organisation prepares you for departure by helping you take care of needed documents.


You attend pre-departure seminar.

In case you have not been accepted by the hosting
organisation, we will try to find another option
for you.