
Midterm seminar

Our location was in the beautiful Tatras, in Liptovsky Mikulás. When we arrived to Liptovsky Mikulás, personally I felt like I was in another world. Thanks to the mountainous region snow was everywhere, which I really missed this winter season in my Czech home city. The house was placed on the hill, so the view was breath-taking and we spent countless hours just sitting and watching the amazing landscape.

At this seminar we were with the volunteers who are serving in Slovakia. This gave us an amazing chance to make new friends, learn information about the Slovakian volunteer program, and exchange our experiences, stories and cultural shocks. One evening we had presentations about our services where we talked about our placements, interesting facts and we also gave some travel tips to the other group. As part of the Czech group I realized how much the Czech Republic has grown close to my heart with all of its positive, lovely and even weird characteristics

The program was mainly focused on what we've done up until now in our projects and what we can improve on during the rest of our service. These reflections made me think about how many things happened in this time and still how many opportunities we have for the future. We continued our "Path", had some flashbacks, and also shared our dreams and plans.

The best part of the seminar was definitely the trip to the forest. In the forest we had hilarious snowball fights, we shot some amazing photos, and enjoyed hiking. The trip's final destination was a nice historical museum which was like a flashback to an old, small village. Those are memories I will look back on with a warm heart.

We had such a good time at the seminar. The week felt like it went really fast and I still can't believe that we are already halfway through our terms.

Thank you to all of the organizers that made this seminar possible.

by Nikolett Zarándi (volunteer 2019/2020)

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